Teen gets beat down on golf course

Most folks enjoy golfing for the serene vibes and relaxation. The green is an escape from everyday life and golfers take their outings seriously.
Apparently a teenager in Victorville, Calif., didn't know fooling around with his bike on the green was a no-no. So another golfer took the duty of whooping the teenager's butt. While others watched.
Yeah ... it's amusing:
You would think that this kid knew Victorville was not the place to be messing with golfers off the strength of the local restaurant, The Grumpy Golfer.
What kind of name is that for an eatery? It probably causes guys to want to lay the smack down on the course all the time.
And has he never seen "Happy Gilmore"?
Remember when keepin' it real went wrong for Happy and he thought Bob Barker wasn't about that fighting life?
Young people seem to get a kick out of ticking off golfers.
Johnny Knoxville and Co. decided to shake up some older players in the filming of "Jackass" and might have caused some to have accidents in their golf pants:
According to the local news report, the Victorville teen said he wasn't hurt too bad, though he and his friend were charged with trespassing. The police are looking for the golfer, but they should go easy on him. He was teaching the kid some respect.
And hey, at least he didn't kill anybody on the course like Larry David did:
The lesson? Stay off the green unless you're there to play golf. Golfers are not always happy campers so ... tread lightly, my friends.
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