Mickelson misses cut at The Barclays

That noise you heard coming from the clubhouse area at Ridgewood Country Club had nothing to do with Phil Mickelson. That’s because after tacking a 74 onto his opening 72 at The Barclays, the lefthander signed his scorecard and quickly left the premises without talking to reporters.
Personally, it is filed under the “who cares” category, because in the grand scheme of things, it’s minutia.
But it will be intriguing to see how some in the media handle this brush-off. Especially since it was at this tournament one year ago when Tiger Woods, having played poorly, ignored the media after his round and was roundly ripped – especially by the New York press.
Maybe Mickelson was in a rush to head home, given that the cut in this playoff will be level par or maybe 1 over and he is 4 over. Or maybe that Jets-Redskins thriller of a preseason game down the street is such an attraction that he had to rush out. Again, who really cares that he didn’t talk?
Fact is, he’ll only drop in the FedEx Cup standings to somewhere around 10th and is thus a sure bet for next week’s Deutsche Bank and most likely for the Tour Championship Sept. 23-26 (even if he skips the BMW Championship Sept. 9-12).