Looks like a rainbow appeared in Latrobe where Arnold Palmer's ashes were spread

Arnold Palmer, who died Sunday at the age of 87, was laid to rest on Thursday morning when the famed golfer's ashes were spread over a part of his hometown Latrobe Country Club in Pennsylvania.
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's Gerry Dulac was on the scene, capturing Palmer's final flyover from the regional airport that bears his name ...
... as well as the brilliant rainbow that appeared over the Latrobe Country Club golf course afterward.
Here's another view of a rainbow, as taken by Twitter user Duane Stein:
According to Golf Digest, Palmer's ashes were spread near the place where his first wife, Winnie, was laid to rest 17 years earlier.
The ashes of Arnold Palmer taken for one final flyover today at airport that bears his name. pic.twitter.com/dzK2zdQ4QP
— Gerry Dulac (@gerrydulac) September 29, 2016
Check out this rainbow over Latrobe. They're calling it Arnie's Rainbow. pic.twitter.com/h9vfwffLBm
— Gerry Dulac (@gerrydulac) September 29, 2016
@gerrydulac @Josh4Miller pic.twitter.com/L4Wa8gzERv
— Duane Stein (@dsteiny026) September 29, 2016