Highway patrol statement about Woods' car crash

Highway patrol statement about Woods' car crash

Published Dec. 2, 2009 8:35 a.m. ET

Eds: With BC-GLF--Tiger Woods Following is the statement released by the Florida Highway Patrol about Tiger Woods' car crash: The Florida Highway Patrol has concluded its investigation of the vehicle crash involving Mr. Tiger Woods. The investigation has determined that Mr. Woods is at fault in the crash. This afternoon, FHP issued a uniform traffic citation for careless driving to Mr. Woods. Any person operating a vehicle upon the streets and highways within the state is required by law to drive in a careful and prudent manner so as not to endanger the life, limb, or property of any person. Failure to drive in such a manner is defined as careless driving. Careless driving is a moving violation and upon conviction may result in a fine of $164 and four points on a driver's record. This was a single vehicle crash, with a single occupant. Unfortunately, it is one of thousands that occur in our state each year. Mr. Woods has satisfied the requirements of Florida law by providing his driver license, registration and proof of insurance to us. With the issuance of the citation, the Florida Highway Patrol has completed its investigation into this matter. The FHP is not pursing criminal charges in this matter, nor is there any testimony or other evidence to support additional charges of any kind. After reviewing the evidence available to us, and in consultation with the Office of State Attorney Lawson Lamar, it was determined that there was insufficient evidence available to issue a subpoena for additional medical information that may exist in this case. We cannot speak to the existence of any blood evidence, nor are there claims of domestic violence by any individual. The Florida Highway Patrol will not conduct additional press conferences or interviews on this matter. A copy of the crash investigation report is a matter of public record and will be finalized and available to members of the media by noon tomorrow for $10. Additionally, a supplemental package of all photographs taken at the scene is available as a matter of public record for a fee of $105. Media representatives wishing to obtain these documents in person may contact the Florida Highway Patrol Office located at 133 South Semoran Blvd., Suite A, Orlando, FL 32807. Media representatives wishing to obtain these documents via e-mail must submit a certification form attesting to your eligibility as a member of the media, and a form with the required credit card information to facilitate payment. Requesters should submit both forms to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles headquarters in Tallahassee via fax at (850) 617-5108. The Department will e-mail the requested information to the requester as soon as possible upon receipt of payment in the order in which we receive the requests.
