Golf course worker missing in flood

Rescuers were searching Wednesday for a golf course worker who apparently was swept away by fast-moving floodwaters a day earlier in Las Vegas.
Police told the Las Vegas-Review Journal that a groundskeeper disappeared from the Desert Rose Golf Course while riding a tractor about 4:15 p.m. Tuesday. Police did not identify the worker.
"Reports were the tractor was pretty much covered in approximately 12 feet of water," Las Vegas police officer Jose Hernandez told the Review-Journal.
A storm flooded desert areas throughout California, Nevada, Arizona and Utah on Tuesday. McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas reported 1.17 inches of rain, a record for the date. Many areas of Las Vegas are subject to flash flooding during heavy rain.
Flights were delayed at the airport Tuesday. The county courthouse flooded. And several major roads and freeways were closed because of the water.
Desert Rose Golf Course is on the eastern edge of the Las Vegas metro area, about nine miles from the Strip.