Golf coaches tab Rice as speaker

Former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will be the keynote speaker at the Golf Coaches Assocation of America and Women's Golf Coaches Association national conventions held in Las Vegas from Dec. 9-11, the GCAA announced on Monday.
Rice will speak to leadership, teamwork, organizational management and life lessons learned from the game of golf.
“We are very excited and honored to have Dr. Rice as our keynote speaker for the convention,” said GCAA president Todd Satterfield. “It’s a tremendous opportunity for the members of the GCAA and the WGCA to be inspired by her leadership and experiences. We are grateful that Dr. Rice’s love of golf allowed her to be with us in December.”
With the two organizations combining on the convention, the WGCA looks at it as groundbreaking.
“The WGCA is both honored and excited for the opportunity to have such a distinguished keynote speaker at our annual convention,” stated WGCA president Janet Carl. “This is a groundbreaking year, for both organizations, as we combine our efforts and resources for the common goals of providing our members with unsurpassed educational opportunities and unequaled leadership skills, which Ms. Rice has shown throughout her career. For our coaches to have the opportunity to learn from someone who has shattered several barriers and is a mentor to all of us, is an unbelievable opportunity.”
Rice, who became a member at Augusta National in 2012, is currently a professor of political science at Stanford, where she also served as provost from 1993-1999.