Ex-Tiger mistress plans to be at Masters

Tiger Woods' former mistress Joslyn James says she plans to be at The Masters next month when Woods makes his much anticipated return to the greens in Augusta, FOX News reported Monday.
James also told Fox News in an interview Monday that several people in Tiger's inner circle knew that she was having sex with Woods.
She said she released text messages, e-mails and other proof of their three-year relationship on her Web site to “get the truth out there.”
James said it was "just false" that no one other than Woods knew about their steamy relationship.
When asked about Steve Williams, Woods' caddy, who has claimed he knew nothing about the string of affairs, James replied, "He knew who I was. ... There were a few people in his inner circle who knew who I was and the dynamic of our relationship."
James also announced on her Web site that she will be pole dancing at the Pink Pony strip club in Atlanta while Woods competes at The Masters, about 150 miles away. She added that she plans to be the tournament as well.
She told Fox News it was a "matter of time" before it became known publicly that Woods had been cheating on his wife, Elin Nordegren, with a number of women.
Nordegren will reportedly be in Sweden with her family and plans not to travel to Georgia for Tiger's return.
James is also peeved that she — and the other women — never got an apology from Woods.
"You're supposed to apologize to them directly and make amends," she said. "I've yet to see anything that even resembles that."
Two weeks ago, James posted 122 text messages on her Web site that she says Woods sent her between July and October of last year, with flurries of correspondence when he appeared at tournaments in Michigan, New Jersey and Massachusetts and at a media tour for a golf course he is designing in North Carolina.
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