Winner won't pay for Hoffman card

Winner won't pay for Hoffman card

Published May. 22, 2013 1:00 a.m. ET

If 7-year-old cancer patient Jack Hoffman captured the nation’s hearts by running for a 69-yard touchdown in Nebraska’s spring game, then the eBay hoaxster who spoiled a fundraiser for his charity sickened our stomachs.

Hoffman, who got his own Upper Deck trading card to commemorate the highlight of April’s spring games, signed four of the cards and auctioned one on eBay, with plans to contribute the money to his eponymous pediatric cancer research foundation. The winning bid was for $6,100, but the person who placed it had no intention of paying.

“It’s a pretty sore subject around here,” Prep 2 Pro Sports owner Mike Schnoor, who is selling the cards on behalf of the Team Jack Foundation, said in an interview with Beckett Media. “The guy who ended up winning said a guy logged into his account and bid on it as a joke. It goes from a great story to kind of sobering.”

Schnoor said he was looking into alternative ways to auction the card.


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