Texas coach Strong and QB on trial witness list

Texas coach Strong and QB on trial witness list

Published Nov. 16, 2015 4:01 p.m. ET

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) Oklahoma State attorneys have made it official: They want Texas coach Charlie Strong and quarterback Tyrone Swoopes for courtroom testimony in a lawsuit to determine who called plays for the Longhorns in 2014.

Oklahoma State is suing Texas offensive line coach Joe Wickline for nearly $600,000 in a breach-of-contract lawsuit. Oklahoma State says Wickline took a lateral move to Texas, not a promotion as required to avoid a contract penalty.

The case is scheduled for trial in May 2016 in Stillwater, Oklahoma. Oklahoma State attorneys last week submitted their formal witness list.

Strong was previously deposed last March. Oklahoma State officials also want pre-trial testimony from Swoopes, who was the starting quarterback in 2014.


The trial witness list also includes current Texas play caller Jay Norvell, former lead play caller Shawn Watson and former Texas athletic director Steve Patterson, who was forced out at Texas in September.
