Sweetest old lady trolled Nick Saban at the lake this summer

Nick Saban's time at SEC Media Days went about as you'd expect on Wednesday.
The Alabama coach showed up in Hoover, Ala., was asked a bunch of questions about dry topics like satellite camps and cost of attendance, made some news by saying he dislikes the NFL Draft evaluation process in December because it creates a distraction for players before postseason games and then had to defend that gripe because people on social media immediately spun it into Saban making an excuse for losing to Ohio State.
He signed some autographs, made a few dozen lives with his mere presence and then it was back to his work in Tuscaloosa.
But between all of that, during an interview in a side room that wasn't televised on SEC Network, Saban told a really funny story about getting trolled by an old lady while on vacation this summer.
Here's how the exchange went down:
Question: "You've had this run of 10-win seasons going back to 2008. Is it possible, as long as the guys buy in and prepare the right way, to never really have a down season?"
Saban: "[Four-second pause] ... At Alabama? ... [smirk]. Did you hear the story I told in the other room? Now I was at the lake this summer and we're eating at the marina, which is just a hamburger place called LaPrades. It's in Georgia at Lake Burton. And the nicest couple -- I mean, just the nicest older couple you're ever going to meet -- come up and say, 'We're Alabama folks. We graduated from Alabama. Would you take a picture with us?' So I said, 'Sure, I'd love to.'
"So I get up and take a picture with them. When that's all over -- and the nicest people in the world -- the lady, who is elderly, puts her hand on my shoulder and says, 'Maybe we'll win next year.' [Room bursts into laughter, Saban smiles] ... So you think we can have a bad season at Alabama?"
Aren't elderly people just the best? They have some of the strongest trash-talking game, only they drown it in honey so you don't realize how bad you've just been stung until they've hugged you and waddled on their way.
Here's the video courtesy of al.com if you want to hear Saban tell it (question starts at 12:38).
Teddy Mitrosilis works in content production at FOX Sports Digital. Follow him on Twitter @TMitrosilis and email him at tmitrosilis@gmail.com.