Spurrier: We need zero-tolerance policy for domestic violence

The Ray Rice domestic violence incident has risen to the forefront of the sports world and beyond this week, as video emerged of the running back striking his wife, then-fiancee, in a casino elevator and the Baltimore Ravens and NFL took disciplinary action against him.
At his weekly press conference on Tuesday, South Carolina coach Steve Spurrier was asked about Rice. Here's a transcription of his answer, according to Pete Roussel of Coaching Search:
"The only good thing about that video is that people around the country are shocked that this does happen. Of course, I've had a rule here ever since I've been here. If you ever hit a girl, you're not going to play on our team. You're finished. We've lost two players. One was about seven years ago. One was about nine years ago. So we're not going to have a guy on our team that has done that. And I can't understand that why every coach doesn't have that rule and why every company doesn't have that rule for their employees. I think it would put a pretty good end to this stuff. It really is amazing that America has put up with it or compromised. That is something that should never happen. Our players know. They know they are going if they hit a girl. They know it. I would think every coach would have that rule, but I don't think they do. I think sometime they say 'Well, let's look at the situation.' Well, you do have to do that, but once you know it's happened (they have to go). I think it would help put an end to it."
On Monday, the Baltimore Ravens terminated Rice's contract. The league suspended him indefinitely.