Silverdome urinal bearing Barry Sanders' autograph for sale on eBay

By Jason Rowan
Barry Sanders, one of the best running backs in NFL history, spent the entirety of his professional football career playing Detroit Lions home games at the Pontiac Silverdome. The team of course moved on to the much more cushy Ford Field, but the old Silverdome holds a special place in the hearts of Lions fans and perhaps even Sanders himself.
Somehow, someway — actually, a detailed chronology follows — Sanders ended up autographing a Silverdome urinal and that odd piece of memorabilia currently is available for purchase on eBay.
It merits adding that urinal receptacles are often a hot item from old stadiums. Urinal troughs from the now-demolished Metrodome also were a hot item.
Seller "mgk086" assures potential bidders that this “the only Barry Sanders autographed urinal in existence,” which arguably stands to reason. Not only are there several photos that appear to document and confirm the urinal is from the Silverdome and has been autographed by Sanders, he even provided a chronology of the events that led to the urinal being autographed by Barry Sanders coming into his possession. It reads as follows:
Early 2014 – The Pontiac Silverdome & RJM Auctions announced an asset auction of the Pontiac Silverdome3-21-14 – Barry Sanders tweets “FYI – I am not signing urinals…”3-21-14 – Barry’s comment goes viral and several articles were written stating no collector would be able to obtain a Silverdome urinal with Barry’s autograph (see pictures)6-19-14 – I won a bid, paying $23.00 for the contents of the home team locker room “2 urinals, 2 sinks, 3 showers, toilet (I didn’t take the toilets), 2 stall partitions in bathroom & shower area (Home Team Locker Room)” See pictures for the lot and invoice from my bid.6-24-14 – I picked up the items from the Silverdome. I was fortunate enough to be able to walk into the decaying Silverdome and into the locker rooms to see the items being removed. I have included pictures I took of the field, my truck in the tunnel, inside the locker rooms, and my truck with the contents in it.9-20-14– Barry Sanders held a public signing event with Detroit City Sports at Lakeside Mall in Sterling Heights MI. Already having Barry’s autograph on a jersey, football, and hat, I did the logical thing and decided to attach the urinal to a dolly and see if he would sign it. I was quite nervous wheeling in the urinal (which I had bleached and power washed multiple times) to ask my childhood idol to sign it. After a long wait, I reached the table with Barry and I uncovered the urinal telling him it was from his old locker room. He responded “Are you for real?”. I said “Yes, will you sign it?”. Barry said “I refuse” and after a short pause he laughed and said “no problem, where should I sign”. While signing and taking pictures, a man with Barry (I assume his agent) laughed and said “Hey Barry, last time you saw that thing you were taking a p*** in it”. Barry was extremely nice about it and it was a great experience.
For any skeptics out there, rest assured that it’s the real thing. It even has a certificate of authenticity, which is good. No one wants to plunk down their hard-earned money for an autographed urinal without a document that confirms it’s legit.
The item is experiencing some decent bidding activity, too boot. With 17 in so far, the current winning bid stands at $1,045.20. It is worth noting, though, that the reserve has not yet been met. Keep bidding, folks.
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