Report: Relative accused Sandusky

The attorney for accused child molester Jerry Sandusky said Wednesday one of the newest alleged victims to levy abuse claims at the former Penn State assistant football coach is a member of the Sandusky family.
According to The Harrisburg Patriot-News, Joseph Amendola said the allegations from the latest victim stemmed from difficulties within the child's immediate family.
Amendola said the alleged abuse occurred some time before Sandusky was arrested earlier this month, but the victim did not come forward until after he was charged.
The Patriot-News did not reveal the child's relationship with Sandusky to shield the alleged victim's identity.
Sandusky has six adopted children with his wife Dottie, whom he married in 1966. The couple also took in several foster children over the years.
Child and Youth Services (CYS) in Pennsylvania revealed Tuesday it was opening two new cases of alleged abuse against the former Penn State defensive coordinator.
In Pennsylvania, CYS only participates in investigations if the allegations involve individuals currently under the age of 18, according to The Patriot-News.
Sandusky, 67, is already charged in a 40-count indictment for sexually assaulting eight boys over a period of 15 years. Most of the eight alleged victims listed in the grand jury report are now believed to be over the age of 18.
If the most recent allegations turn out to be true, Sandusky faces additional charges -- something Amendola alluded to Tuesday in an interview with ABC News.
"My concern is if they bring new charges based upon new people coming forth, that bail's going to be set, and he's going to wind up in jail," Amendola said.
Sandusky has remained free on a $100,000 unsecured bail since his initial arrest on Nov. 5. He has maintained his innocence.
Sandusky's preliminary hearing was pushed back Tuesday to Dec. 13.