Quotes from Sandusky sentencing, Penn State, more

Quotes on the day Jerry Sandusky was sentenced to 30 to 60 years in prison for child sexual abuse:
''In my heart I did not do these alleged disgusting acts.'' - Jerry Sandusky, in remarks to the court during the sentencing hearing.
''I've wiped away a first tear and I've seen lives end. I've forgiven, I've been forgiven. I've comforted others, I've been comforted. I've been kissed by dogs, I've been bit by dogs. ... I've been a fighter. I've conformed. I've also been different. I've been me. I've been loved, I've been hated. I've lived long enough to cherish many memories. And I have a card in my room with the word `Hope' on it. I cling to that card.'' - Sandusky during his remarks during the hearing.
''I am troubled with flashbacks of his naked body, something that will never be erased from my memory. Jerry has harmed children, of which I am one of them.'' - Victim No. 5 in remarks to the court during the sentencing hearing.
''The tragedy of this crime is that it's a story of betrayal. The most obvious aspect is your betrayal of 10 children. I'm not going to sentence you to centuries in prison, although the law will permit that.'' - Judge John Cleland, to Sandusky, before sentencing him to at least 30 years in prison.
''His statement today was a masterpiece of banal self-delusion - entirely self-focused as if he himself were the victim. It was, in a word, ridiculous.'' - Lead prosecutor Joe McGettigan.
''I don't have any comment.'' - Sandusky's wife, Dottie, to an Associated Press reporter after the hearing.
''Our thoughts today, as they have been for the last year, go out to the victims of Jerry Sandusky's abuse. While today's sentence cannot erase what has happened, hopefully it will provide comfort to those affected by these horrible events and help them continue down the road to recovery.'' - Penn State President Rodney Erickson.
''It was a smart sentence, a conservative sentence, but one that has the effect of keeping Sandusky behind bars for the rest of his life.'' - Michael Boni, the lawyer for Victim No. 1, whose complaint in 2008 launched the state's investigation into Sandusky.
''I just wanted a childhood like everyone else. ... I've been looking over my shoulder for a long time. Jerry Sandusky is the worst kind of pedophile.'' - Victim No. 1, in a statement read by McGettigan at the hearing.
''I am stunned that he is clinging to the conspiracy story. It is completely absurd to say that all of these victims, who did not know each other over a span of 15 years - as well as two eyewitnesses, police, a psychologist, school administrators - that all of these people magically came to this vortex of setting him up.'' - Kristen Houser, vice president of the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape.
''(Sex offenders) will basically convince themselves that what they're doing is justified ... that they're simply responding to the overtures of someone. What they miss, though, is that they typically set the situation up.'' - forensic psychologist Robert Wright, who runs a sex-offender treatment program in Tampa, Fla.
''These cases are difficult in the best of circumstances. It is to the credit of these investigators, along with the resilience of the victims, resulting in an airtight case, the conviction of 45 crimes - and now, today's sentence. I want to especially commend the victims in the case, who had the courage to come forward and testify in open court, in spite of tremendous pressure and national publicity.'' - Gov. Tom Corbett, who was attorney general when the investigation began.
''While it is true that Jerry Sandusky will not be hurting any more children, there will be others to take his place. That is why we must redouble our efforts to stop predators and protect victims. That is the lesson we must take away from the Sandusky case, if we want some good to come of it. Whoever you are, whatever your station in life - please have the courage and the decency to do the right thing if you suspect that a child is being abused.'' - Attorney General Linda Kelly