President-elect Donald Trump attends Army-Navy football game

Army-Navy is always one of the great spectacles in college football and it got even more interesting thanks to a surprise guest appearance on Saturday. President-elect Donald Trump attended the game in Baltimore.
Prior to the game, Trump tweeted about the appearance, calling it a "show of support" for the U.S. military and our troops.
It's a longstanding tradition for the U.S. President to spend the first half of the game on Army's side and move to Navy's side for the second.
While Trump has not yet been sworn into office, he honored the presidential tradition by sitting with David Urban, a West Point grad and Republican advisor, for the first half, according to reports. He then moved to the box of Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North, a graduate of the Naval Academy, for the second.
Trump's appearance didn't come without some controversy though, as a group of protestors demonstrated his presence outside the stadium, according to the Baltimore Sun.