Police plan to file DUI charge against Pitt's Tyler Boyd

Police plan to file DUI charge against Pitt's Tyler Boyd

Published Jun. 15, 2015 4:59 p.m. ET

PITTSBURGH (AP) Police planned to file driving under the influence and other charges against University of Pittsburgh star wide receiver Tyler Boyd stemming from a traffic stop Friday, a suburban police chief announced Monday.

Jefferson Hills police Chief Eugene Roach said the 20-year-old player was pulled over about 2:30 a.m. Friday after passing another vehicle within an intersection.

A portable breath test was ''positive'' for alcohol but results of a blood test were pending, Roach said.

Nevertheless, the chief issued a news release saying his department will file the DUI and other charges. Boyd will be notified by mail. The charges will be filed Tuesday because local courts were observing the Flag Day holiday and closed Monday.


Boyd is from Clairton, Pennsylvania, another suburb about 30 minutes south of Pittsburgh, just beyond Jefferson Hills. He caught 78 passes for 1,261 yards and eight touchdowns and was a first-team All-ACC selection for Pitt as a sophomore in 2014.

''Tyler's situation is both serious and disappointing,'' Pitt Coach Pat Narduzzi said in a statement. ''We have high expectations for the young men in our program, on and off the field. Tyler understands that and knows he must be responsible for his actions. Certainly he will be held accountable to our internal standards of discipline and behavior.''

In Pennsylvania, drivers are considered illegally under the influence if their blood-alcohol content is 0.08 percent or greater, unless they're under 21 which makes them too young to legally drink, like Boyd. Such drivers are considered under the influence at 0.02 percent, a threshold that can be reached with one drink by most people.

Boyd told police had had ''two shots'' of an unspecified alcoholic beverage, the chief's news release said. Passing another vehicle in an intersection is also illegal in Pennsylvania.

As such, Boyd will be charged with driving under the influence, underage drinking and unspecified Pennsylvania Vehicle Code violations, the police chief said.

Although a first drunken driving offense can carry up to two days in jail and a fine as high as $5,000, first offenders are often eligible for a special program that enables them to serve probation - usually for about a year - without pleading guilty. Such defendants can ask to have their arrest record expunged if they complete the probation without incident.

It's not clear whether Boyd has an attorney because no court records have been filed in the case. He was released to a family member after Friday's traffic stop, the chief said.
