Latest absurd Johnny Manziel TD

Latest absurd Johnny Manziel TD

Published Sep. 28, 2013 1:00 a.m. ET

It began as a periodical phenomenon and now has become a weekly staple at Texas A&M.

The totally absurd, and possibly a little stupid, Johnny Manziel touchdown.

There was the play against Alabama last season, of course, in which Manziel bumped into his own lineman, momentarily popping the ball from his grasp, before spinning out of danger and finding a wide open Ryan Swope in the end zone.

There was the play against Alabama this season, where Manziel somehow eluded danger, kept drifting backward and finally heaved the ball high into the air and saying, "Oh, someone please catch it. Please catch it!" Impossibly, Edward Pope did.


And, now, Saturday against Arkansas, Manziel's latest prayer was answered:

We already knew it was good to be Johnny.

Having receivers like Mike Evans to haul down passes that probably shouldn't even be thrown makes life even better.

Manziel led the Aggies past Arkansas 45-33. Watch highlights in the video below.
