Kentucky introduces blue checkerboard end zones; Tennessee fans hurl ridicule at the news

If you can't beat them, join them? The University of Kentucky Athletics unveiled plans to incorporate the latest edition of their logo at midfield, as well as blue checkerboard designs on the sidelines and end zones of their field.
The new look coincides with the $110 million dollar renovations currently underway, which are scheduled to be completed on time for the start of the 2015 season.
End of the story? Not quite.
College football, most especially in the South, is a game of history, tradition and hating each and every one of your school's rivals.
The University of Tennessee, just shy of a three-hour car ride from Kentucky's campus, is home to one of UK's biggest rivals as well as owners of the most notorious checkerboard end zones in all of football.
Vol Nation did not disappoint with their reactions to the news:
Tennessee travels to Kentucky on Halloween this season after beating the Wildcats by a score of 50-16 in 2014.
Oct. 31st cannot get here soon enough for either fan base.
The field features our new UK logo and blue checkerboard end zones, which many of you suggested through BBN First.
— Kentucky Athletics (@UKAthletics) May 14, 2015
@finebaum So nice of Kentucky to put checkerboard end zones in the Volunteers vacation home. #alwayshavetocopy #stealingfromUT #VFL
— Celina Summers (@CelinaSummers) May 14, 2015
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery…so…thanks, Kentucky!
— Wes Boling (@TVsWesBoling) May 14, 2015
Hey Peyton, what's your reaction to learning that Kentucky has stolen the checkerboard end zone motif from your Vols?
— Lone Nut (@LoneNutVolFan) May 14, 2015