Kelly explains Notre Dame's policy regarding players cell phone use

In the wake of Texas corner back Kris Boyd having to issue an apology for what he retweeted at halftime during the Longhorns' last game, it was only natural coaches across the country were asked if they have policies against using social media -- or perhaps cell phones at all -- during games.
That included Notre Dame coach Brian Kelly on Tuesday during his press conference.
"We prohibit the use of cell phones, and certainly at any time during a game they are not to be used," Kelly said. "That is a rule within the program. Relative to our players, they do have them with them because they listen to music on the bus. They'll even use music in the locker room. So we're aware that they have them, but they know they can't be on their phones at any time when we're together as a football team when we put our uniforms on."
And, yes, Kelly has someone who is watching to make sure the social media policy is followed.
"We check," he said. "We have somebody that checks Twitter for our players. Nobody's assigned to Twitter during the game, though we have a few people that are watching Twitter actively during the games because we have a lot of things going on during the games as well."