Judge lifts gag order in Wheaton College football case

WHEATON, Ill. (AP) A gag order has been lifted in the case of five Wheaton College football players charged with battery against one of their teammates in suburban Chicago.
A DuPage County judge lifted the order Tuesday at the request of three of the five players whose lawyers want to address sexual assault allegations stemming from the case. But the attorneys declined comment after the order was lifted. One said they needed ''to review everything'' first.
The (Arlington Heights) Daily Herald reports attorneys for the two other players are expected to support the move.
The players are accused of duct-taping a teammate's hands and feet, and attempting to sodomize him with an object last year. Four players have pleaded not guilty. The fifth's arraignment is Nov. 13.
The players are also charged with mob action and unlawful restraint.
Information from: Daily Herald, http://www.dailyherald.com