Illini AD Mike Thomas: 'I don't feel my job's on the line'

Illinois athletic director Mike Thomas has come under fire recently as his athletic department deals with allegations of abuse from both its football and women's basketball programs.
He says he is not concerned about his job security and spoke Wednesday to "The Mully and Hanley Show" lauding Illinois' "great" sports culture, "great" coaches and "great people. Here is what he had to say via the Chicago Sun-Times:
“I don’t feel my job’s on the line, Thomas told the radio hosts when asked if he’s under pressure during the university investigation. I”m confident in the integrity of our program and the direction we’re heading, and I know what we’ve done here in the time I’ve been here.”
Thomas has vowed that he will do his due diligence about the allegations. There will be a lot of people paying attention to make sure he does that.
(h/t Chicago Sun-Times)
Photo Credit: Mike Granse/USA TODAY Sports