Couple who named baby Krimson Tyde stunned by reaction

Chances are you heard about the birth of one Krimson Tyde Steele last week.
Plenty of sites, including this one, made sure of that.
Well, his parents apparently caught a lot of flak over their naming choice, both from the blogosphere and, naturally, from the Twitter universe.
And Summer Steele, the one who delivered the 7+ pound kid, is naturally taken aback (after all, she did the work, she should get to name him whatever she wants.)
"I'm shocked, I didn't think people would make such a big deal about it," she told Alabama Media Group.
So what are people saying? Let's take a look.
At least this guy has the couple's back. Then again, he's got a toddler named Crimson Tide and an infant named Alleigh Bama.
Bama fan with kids named Crimson Tide & Alleigh Bama supportive of baby named Krimson Tyde. Quotes = comedy pyramid.
— Clay Travis (@ClayTravisBGID) December 31, 2013