Couple who named baby Krimson Tyde stunned by reaction

Couple who named baby Krimson Tyde stunned by reaction

Updated Mar. 4, 2020 4:18 p.m. ET

Chances are you heard about the birth of one Krimson Tyde Steele last week.

Plenty of sites, including this one, made sure of that.

Well, his parents apparently caught a lot of flak over their naming choice, both from the blogosphere and, naturally, from the Twitter universe.

And Summer Steele, the one who delivered the 7+ pound kid, is naturally taken aback (after all, she did the work, she should get to name him whatever she wants.)


"I'm shocked, I didn't think people would make such a big deal about it," she told Alabama Media Group.

So what are people saying? Let's take a look.

At least this guy has the couple's back. Then again, he's got a toddler named Crimson Tide and an infant named Alleigh Bama.

