Buckeye's quote a textbook example

Buckeye's quote a textbook example

Published Oct. 23, 2013 1:00 a.m. ET

Athletes and social media can be a lethal combination, but all freshmen at Ole Miss are learning the do’s and don’ts of online posting through a textbook that highlights a pretty big don’t in college athletics.

In 2012, Ohio State quarterback Cardale Jones gained Internet notoriety when he tweeted out his thoughts on student-athlete requirements. Spoiler: He wishes there was more athlete and less student in that relationship. His careless tweet that so bluntly asked “Why should we have to go to class if we came here to play football? We ain’t come to play school, classes are pointless” earned him a one-game suspension, and now, a permanent spot in a college textbook.

In “The Ole Miss Experience,” a course for first-year students at the university, students receive tips on improving study habits, sharpening academic skills, preparing for their future and oh yes, what is appropriate for the Internet. Jones’ famous tweet is featured in the “Best Practices on Social Media” section.

Rebels 1, Buckeyes 0.


Check out Jones’ tweet living in infamy below.

