Bobby Bowden wants the 12 wins taken from him restored too

Bobby Bowden wants the 12 wins taken from him restored too

Published Jan. 20, 2015 11:27 a.m. ET

Former Florida State coach Bobby Bowden saw former Penn State coach Joe Paterno get back the 111 victories the NCAA had vacated from his record as sanctions for the Jerry Sandusky child-molestation scandal.

Now, he'd like to see the 12 victories the NCAA took away from his coaching record restored as well, wondering aloud to The Associated Press last week, "Am I going to get my 12 back now?"

During 2006 and 2007, 25 Florida State players were among the FSU athletes who cheated on an online test in a music appreciation class, which led to Bowden's penalty.


"That was disappointing to me," Bowden says of that ruling, according to a report by the Orlando Sentinel. "The NCAA has been very inconsistent about how they take away victories. It's not like we were trying to cover up anything. We did everything in our dad-gum power to get to the bottom of the situation."

Bowden is again No. 2 on the Division I college football coaches win list because of the Paterno ruling, but he is fine with that.

"I'm glad for him," Bowden said in a report by The Associated Press. "I was self-conscious about that anyway.

"Every time I would speak they would say, 'He's the winningest coach in I-A history.' I'd say, 'Yeah, after they took 100 away from Joe.'"

Information from The Associated Press was used in this report.
