BC's Rudolph admits to facts in case

A Boston College football player charged with violating state wiretap laws by secretly recording a consensual sexual encounter between his roommate and a woman has admitted in a plea agreement that there are facts sufficient for a finding of guilty.
Jaryd Rudolph, a 6-foot-4, 293-pound defensive lineman, entered his plea Tuesday.
The judge continued his case for three months. That means that if Rudolph completes community service and adheres to other conditions, the charge will be dismissed.
Rudolph was charged with recording the February encounter and distributing it to others, subjecting the woman to embarrassment and ridicule.
Her lawyer says that hearing Rudolph admit to the facts is ''significant to the healing process.''
The Boston Globe (http://bo.st/UBII8e ) reports that Rudolph's lawyer said resolving the case was in everyone's best interests.