Alabama senator proposes bill to have Auburn claim 9 titles

Auburn is officially recognized as having won two national championships in college football, but now a legal motion is in place to have the school claim many more.
Auburn’s two national titles came in 1957 and 2010. The school also believes it has claims to several more national championships -- 1910, 1913, 1914, 1958, 1983, 1993 and 2004.
The claims to the '93 and '04 titles make some sense as the squad went undefeated both years. The titles in the 1910s are plausible since the AP did not assign a national champion then. The team did not lose in 1958 but had a tie, which would have put the Tigers in the running for a title, and in 1983, they had one loss just like the other top teams.
Enter Sen. Tom Whatley, a Republican from Auburn, who is definitely serving his constituency with this one. Here is what his resolution says, via the Montgomery Advertiser:
“We call upon Auburn University to officially claim nine national championships in football to rightfully reflect the esteemed achievements and success of the Auburn University football program.”
Whether this motion passes will probably have a lot to do with how many Auburn alums are voting compared with the Alabama grads. 'Bama, by the way, has 15 claimed national titles and four unclaimed ones, so the Crimson Tide is still outpacing its rival by a comfortable margin regardless of how this bill turns out.
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