Adam "the "Ninja" Hine getting to show what he can do for the Cougars

Adam Hine is getting is time to shine in the BYU backfield due to some unfortunate circumstances, and now we have the pleasure of 'the ninja.'
Yes, that's the Cougar tailback's nickname. But as great as his nickname is, he's been even more impressive on the football field.
BYU senior receiver Treenn Houk has some funny memories of Hine.
"I remember one day in fall camp -- last year or two years ago -- after a hard day," Houk said. "We were all just tired, trying to get through the two-a-days. All of a sudden, Adam Hiné -- he's big and he's buff -- goes to his locker and comes out with nunchucks, actual nunchucks. He puts a headband over his head and starts acting like a ninja. It's the funniest thing because he is this big, buff dude with these nunchucks going, 'waaaa!' No one would've thought that out of Adam but that was one of my favorite Adam Hiné moments."
Classic Adam Hine. The Cougars travel to Ann Arbor to face Michigan on Saturday.
(h/t Daily Herald)