A Florida football player reportedly stopped a sexual assault behind Gainesville bar

Florida Gators linebacker Christian Garcia is being credited by police for stopping a sexual battery in progress behind a popular bar in Gainesville in the early hours of Thursday morning.
Per First Coast News, Garcia was taking out the trash as part of his job at 101 Cantina when he heard noises coming from behind the dumpster.
When he approached, Garcia saw a man sexually assaulting a young woman who appeared to be almost completely unconscious.
"The girl was basically unconscious," Garcia said. "So I know there was no way she could be giving consent."
Garcia says he approached the suspect, a 34-year-old man named Christopher Shaw, and grabbed his shoulders, telling him to stop.
Shaw reportedly became angry and attacked Garcia, throwing several punches before fleeing the scene.
The police have arrested Shaw on sexual battery charges against the 19-year-old woman. Per First Coast News, authorities are investigating the suspect and believe he may have committed other such crimes before.
A native of Miami, Florida, Garcia says the crime he witnessed goes against everything he stands for.
"I hold strong moral values and I don't think anyone should be taken advantage of in that kind of way."