WEC 52: Fight-by-fight recap

Bantamweight bout
Urijah Faber (23-4) vs. Takeya Mizugaki (13-4-2)
Round 1: Bonnar has chills, what more do you need?? They open up with each fighter trying to land boxing blows. Tie up, Mizugaki works Faber back to the cage. Shot by Mizugaki, Faber flips it, Mizugaki has Faber's arm tied up. The announce team is clearly in the Faber camp. Faber has trouble working his way inside. Mizugaki is throwing bombs but landing few of them. Faber takes the whole back but defends well against the rear naked. Mizugaki drops to the mat and tries to run out the clock. He is less than successful there as Faber slides his arm under and locks on a rear naked choke. 20 seconds left but it doesn't look good. Bonnar seems to think that Mizugaki is out, Josh Rosenthal agrees and calls the match for Faber.
Urijah Faber def. Takeya Mizugaki via submission (Round 1, 4:50)
Featherweight bout
Chad Mendes (8-0) vs. Javier Vazquez (15-4)
Round 1: Points to Vazquez for going with the pink trunks tonight. Mendes is throwing some serious heat to start. Leg kick by Vazquez. Mendes bides his time until Vazquez goes for a kick and grabs the takedown. Rubber guard from Vazquez which allows him to land some less-than-devastating elbows to the head. Grappling on the ground, Mendes seems to be the far superior fighter thus far. Grinding from Mendes, can't gain a clear advantage. Another rubber guard from Vazquez, he may want to consider another strategy since he has spent the vast majority of the fight underneath Mendes. Mendes swings for the fences with about 25 seconds left. Horn sounds and a rather dry first round comes to a close. 10-9 Mendes.
Round 2: Leg kick to start from Mendes that nearly knocks Vazquez down. Flying knee from Mendes, Vazquez seems stunned and mended lands him flat on his back and Vazquez goes for his new favorite, the rubber guard. Mendes is attacking with hardcore forearms to the face. Vazquez is playing a strong defensive game but he can't quite figure out an escape from Mendes and his wrestling skills. Vazquez suddenly becomes busier from the bottom. Mendes eventually lets him out but not up. Looking for an opening to attack Mendes goes with the wholly unusual flip attack, landing directly on Vazquez's chest. Vazquez counters it with a leg lock than Mendes easily escapes. The announce team mentions that Mendes catches a lot of flack for using the lay and pray strategy. Mendes works his way back into Vazquez's guard where he does seem rather content. Referee Herb Dean stands them up though there is only 20 seconds left. Round ends, we'll give it to Mendes 10-9 though this was closer than the last one.
Round 3: About 45 seconds into the round Mendes scores another suspiciously easy take down. Harris cracks a good one about Vazquez needing the judges to score double points for boxing of the ears. Back on their feet Mendes unloads some wicked shots with his hands and his feet and use them to get Vazquez back on the mat, right where he wants them. Vazquez attempts a guillotine but no luck there. Mendes grinds him deeper into the mat, Herb Dean warns of another stand up, neither of them really respond, and he eventually stands them up. Vazquez lands a shot but Mendes hits a nasty shot that opens Vazquez up under the eye. It's a bleeder for sure, Vazquez seems hurt and thrown off by the blood. Mendes grounds and pounds throughout the final minute. Vazquez tries to hit some up kicks but can't connect. Mendes again with the ground and pound until the end of the fight. 10-9 Mendes. We have it scored as 30-27 for Mendes.
Chad Mendes def. Javier Vazquez via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
Featherweight bout
Cub Swanson (14-4) vs. Mackens Semerzier (5-2)
Round 1: Leg kick by Swanson. Bonnar compliments Swanson foot work. Tries another leg kick but Semerzier catches it and take him down. Swanson works hard from the bottom and Semerzier allows him to stand up. Tie up, Semerzier works Swanson up against the cage. Swanson hits a great throw for a takedown, Semerzier stands up and eats a few shots to the kisser. Head kick by Swanson blocked and Semerzier counters with some shots of his own. Swanson goes for a take down but Semerzier catches him in a choke hold. Swanson escapes, tie up, Semerzier over powers Swanson and plants him on the mat. Semerzier seems reluctant to capitalize, Swanson stands up. The two fighters exchange blows. 30 seconds left in the round, Swanson goes for a leg but is stuffed. Sick combo to Swanson as the round ends. 10-9 Swanson but maybe I'm biased because I know how it all turns out.
Round 2: Semerzier works the body and gets Swanson back up against the cage. Beautiful knee by Semerzier but doesn't phase Swanson in the least. A boxing match breaks out and Semerzier is getting the best of it. Tie up against the cage, Semerzier is in the dominant position again. Huge swing by Swanson leads to a beautiful counter by Semerzier as he connects with a knee to Swanson's head. Head kick by Semerzier but he slips. Body shot by Swanson. Jab to the jaw for Swanson. Semerzier all of a sudden can't find his range. Left, right then vicious head kick by Swanson. Punches are exchanged, Swanson goes for and takes the takedown. 10-9 Swanson.
Round 3: Both fighters throw kicks simultaneously, Swanson ends up on bottom. He gets up and lands a high kick. Take down for Swanson. Both of them look exhausted. After a half minute or so Semerzier gets up , boxing exchange. Swanson attempts a body kick but it's caught and used for a take down. Swanson gets up and looks sharp in hitting jabs on his opponent. Swanson lands a single leg take down but, obviously, can't keep Semerzier there as he seems to stand up at will. Swanson tees off with some big shots. Semerzier goes for a take down but Swanson is barely able to stay up. That is short lived as the clumsily fall to the mat, Semerzier is able to steal the back and wails away on his rib cage. Swanson seems to be laying and praying from the bottom which is a bizarre strategy. Semerzier continues to administer a beating until Swanson finally decides that he has had enough and stands up. The two fighters then go crazy, pounding each other in the face as the final few seconds tick away. 10-9 Semerzier.
Cub Swanson def. Mackens Semerzier via split decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-29)
Featherweight bout
Erik Koch (10-1) vs. Francisco Rivera (5-0)
Round 1: Lots of feeling out going on in the beginning. Rivera seems a bit tenative. He was brought in on short notice in place of now No. 1 contender Josh Grispi. Out of nowhere Koch hits a head kick with his shin landing flush on Rivera's jaw. Rivera stays awake but Koch pounces with the hammerfists. Rivera isn't showing much interest in defending himself and the ref calls for a stoppage giving Koch a TKO victory.
Erik Koch def. Francisco Rivera via TKO (Round 1, 1:36)
Bantamweight bout
Joseph Benavidez (12-2) vs. Wagnney Fabiano (14-2)
Round 1: They dance for the first half minute or so before they exchange blows to the face. Benavidez seems to be pushing the pace a bit more than Fabiano. Combo by Benvidez though nothing really gets through. Leg kick from Fabiano. Crazy hard head kick from Benavidez that is blocked and Benavidez ends up on back. Benavidez has mark under his left eye. Benavidea is stalking Fabiano across cage trying to pick his spots. He delivers a blistering kick to the mid-section. Fabiano returns the favor with impressive kick of his own. Another kick from Fabiano which leads to a tie-up that doesn't last very long at all. Another combo from Benavidez. Much more action from him though really hasn't done much damage. Flying kick by Fabiano, countered by some stiff punches from Benavidez to end round. 10-9 Benavidez, seemed clear cut to me but the announcers saw it as evenly matched.
Round 2: Every shot from Benavidez has authority behind it. Fabiano slips and ends up on the ground. Benavidez lands a punch but Fabiano graps his leg and goes for a take down but ends up in a nasty, deep guillotine. Shockingly Fabiano gets his way out. Grappling for a few seconds before Benavidez locks on a Peruvian necktie, almost ready to tap, doesn't, Benavidez modifies the hold and locks on another Benavidez but he cannot get the submission. Fabiano gets out of danger again but can't escape the grasp on Benavidez. A few seconds go by, Benavidez finds the spot he was looking for and slips on his third guillotine choke, this one isn't playing around and it only takes a moment or two before Fabiano finally taps giving Benavidez the victory.
Joseph Benavidez def. Wagnney Fabiano via submission (Round 2, 2:45)
Bantamweight bout
Damacio Page (12-4) vs. Demetrious Johnson (11-1)
Round 1: No Bruce Buffer tonight which is something of a let down. Page comes out swinging, they quickly engage and Johnson ends up on top. Back on their feet, leg kick from Johnson but Page takes him down and gets side control. Page works him up against the cage but Johnson is remaining busy from the bottom. The announce team of Harris and Bonnar are required to mention the UFC merge every other sentence. Page gets full mount but isn't making it work for him. Back on their feet and Page pulls off a beautiful, text book throw. Johnson gets up again and works a double leg take down but he has no more luck in keeping his opponent down. Yet another takedown for Page. Wrestling from both camps, Page is clearly in control of the fight thus far. 10-9 Page in a very entertaining first round.
Round 2: The combatants exchange head kicks to start. They work their way to the mat where Page seems to be in control. Johnson escapes and once they are on their feet Johnson delivers a sick shin shot directly to the groin. Harris calms those who may be anxious by reassuring us that they do wear protective gear. After a few minutes break Page is back on his feet. No point deduction from Rosenthal. Page goes for a knee but Johnson times his double leg perfectly and scores a takedown. Johnson aims for the back but Page blocks it and works way back to feet. Johnson there hits ANOTHER take down. Johnson gets a few nice shots in to the face and is actually keeping Page planted on the mat. With about 30 seconds left Johnson hits even more ground and pound action. 10-9 Johnson to even it up at 19-19.
Round 3: Nasty flurry by Johnson out of the gate. Hits a few nice shots to the face and finishes it with a kick to the jaw. Johnson gets on top and picks up where he left off last round. Johnson seems focused on keeping Page on the ground and less on offense. Finds an opening and locks on a guillotine choke, it's a good one because it only takes a few seconds before Page taps out giving the submission victory to Johnson.
Demetrious Johnson def. Damacia Page via submission (Round 3, 2:27)