Verbal blows exchanged between Mayweather, Pacquiao ... trainers

Verbal blows exchanged between Mayweather, Pacquiao ... trainers

Published May. 1, 2015 4:44 a.m. ET

With less than 48 hours to go before the Floyd Mayweather-Manny Pacquiao mega-fight, it appears tensions are rising in the respective fighters' camps. Not that you could ever tell from the fighters themselves, however.

No, on Thursday the trash talk came from the corners instead, as Floyd Mayweather Sr. and Freddie Roach took turns lobbing verbal jabs at one another.

Roach actually did some sparring in April, saying that Showtime forced Mayweather into the long-delayed Pacquiao fight due to declining revenue.

But on a visit with Mike Hill on FOX Sports 1 in Las Vegas, Mayweather on Thursday fired back in the video above, including this classic about Pacquiao:


"He will be sliced and diced upon because Floyd's going to whoop the hell out of him."

Here is Roach’s much more subdued, yet still stinging, response.
