Fade That Pick NFL Week 2: Garbage Time Podcast

Video Details

In Episode 52 of the Garbage Time podcast, Katie Nolan updates listeners on how many fans have found Big Papi's bench in Central Park so far (01:36), along with another hint on where to find it (03:32). After reviewing Past Katie's appearance on GT to discuss the ESPN Fantasy app crashing over the weekend (04:26), Fade That Pick returns! Producer Matt is back on the podcast to discuss the Jets/Bills (9:55) and lap band solidarity between Rex and Rob Ryan (13:15). Then, they preview the Dolphins/Patriots (18:12) and Cowboys/Redskins (27:20) games. Finally, Katie answers the hardest #JunkMail question of all time by choosing what beers would go in her ideal six-pack.

SEPTEMBER 15, 2016・National Football League・38:52
National Football League National Football League Washington Commanders Washington Commanders Dallas Cowboys Dallas Cowboys Miami Dolphins Miami Dolphins New England Patriots New England Patriots Buffalo Bills Buffalo Bills New York Jets New York Jets