Security puts quick end to LeBron fan's thought of going on court at The Q

Security puts quick end to LeBron fan's thought of going on court at The Q

Published Mar. 19, 2014 12:43 p.m. ET

Not this time.

A couple fans have notoriously run onto the court during Cavs games in the past couple years but the team's security made sure that had no chance of happening Tuesday night.

While the Cavs took on the Heat, a fan with floor seats tweeted his potential idea.


But the Cavs' security team was having no part of it and, for the good of everyone's sake, the 18-year-old fan, Chris Scott, was ushered out of the arena.

Scott, a huge LeBron fan who was thrilled to see him play in person, said in a phone interview that he was joking and not planning on actually doing it.

"I tweeted it, not thinking I would get 1,000 retweets. I didn't know the magnitude of all this," Scott said.

While he was mad at the time, he understands in hindsight why security took action and offers some advice.

"For any future stormers, it's not a good idea," Scott said.

Last season when James was in town, a LeBron fanatic wearing a "We Miss You" T-shirt stormed the floor and was arrested, then charged with criminal trespassing. Just a few weeks ago during a game against the Jazz, a fan ran onto the court at The Q, touched Kyrie Irving's hand and told him he loved him.

The moral of the story -- there are other ways, which don't involve disciplinary action, of showing support for your favorite player. But when you get superfans in the same building as the star players they adore, inhibitions can fly out the window.
