Forrest's thoughts on episode 5
When the show starts we see that losing sucks. This causes Roxanne to pull what I believe is now know as a "Forrest Griffin". We learn that some women prefer other women, which if you think about how dirty dudes are, it makes perfect sense.
David Grant makes a verbal prenuptial agreement in front of everyone that states that his fiance deserves everything.
The fighters play truth or dare, which is always more fun when there's women in the house. There's no upside to playing truth or dare and a house full of men.
I learned a new lesson: apparently somebody's feelings always get hurt when you play truth or dare. And I thought the bottom line of truth or dare was always ending up in the closet for seven minutes with the least attractive female.
We talk about weight a lot because, yeah, this sh*t is 135lb--not an easy weight to make. Grant is a bit heavy, so this could make a difference if the fight goes to a sudden victory third round.
We meet Ronda's mother who is an extraordinary women and also believes in trial by fire. But does not believe in the injury myth created by losers.
The thing about practical jokes is people tend to have a different sense of humor. I would have thought it was funny.
Louis, the guy perpetually wearing big earrings, decides to wear sunglasses for the weigh-in which seems right up his alley.
Louis makes a big deal about how nice a guy Grant is, which in my opinion is never great idea. Guys, it's okay to take a day or two off from being friends. Seems to be the difference between levity and the intensity.
Grant is much bigger and longer than Louis, which is immediately clear when the fight begins. We also see that while Louis is a good scrambler, David is too big and too strong.
Louis starts the second round by looking for the takedown which is a good idea, but again, David shows he's just too strong. It seems as if they make a 125lbs class, perhaps Louis should fight that weight.
Ah, now I get the sunglasses Louis has been wearing the whole time so now that he got a big cut over his eye he needs them. It doesn't look like he's wearing them just to hide the gash.
And in other news, I can't wait for next season of Breaking Bad.
PS. I think it would have been funnier if team Tate had left a discount card for anger management instead of eyebrow waxing.