Report: N.J. politician slurs Eagles
A New Jersey politician apologized Monday for a Facebook posting in which he called the Philadelphia Eagles "gaybirds," The Jersey Journal reported.
State Assemblyman Charles Mainor, a Jersey City police detective, taunted the Eagles in a status update he posted Sunday night as the New York Giants played the Green Bay Packers.
In the update, he wrote, "We are not going to just lay down, we come to play. Who the hell do you think we are the Dallas Cowgirls or those gaybirds from Philly ... No we are the New York Giants."
According to The Jersey Journal, the wording of the update upset a few constituents. Steven Goldstein, chair and CEO of gay rights group Garden State Equality, called Mainor's comments "inadvisable."
For his part, Mainor told The Journal he did not compose the "gaybird" portion of the message.
"I have to take full responsibility because it was under my name," he said.