Carmelo Anthony takes high road after George Karl calls him a 'user'

Carmelo Anthony took the high road when asked about comments made by his former coach, George Karl, in which Karl called Anthony "a user of people, addicted to the spotlight" in a new book by Karl set to be released early in 2017.
After the Knicks' win over the Magic on Thursday night, Anthony said that he wasn't disappointed by the remarks, as he is "past being disappointed."
"I just hope that he finds happiness in what he's doing," he said. "His book, hopefully, will bring him happiness."
"It's irrelevant to me. It's irrelevant at this point," Anthony said. "The truth of the matter is everybody else is kind of speaking up for me from their own experience. So I really don't have to speak on it."
"When you're there, it's a different story than what you hear after the fact. I never knew it was this much. I never knew I was a -- what was the word -- conundrum? I don't even know what the hell that means, to be honest with you.
"I never knew that. That never was brought up, anybody that you ask -- assistant coaches, players, front-office people -- anybody you ask will sing a different tune when it comes to me, when it comes to our mentality, that team."